Answer: The Scanner has lost its Program

To fix, do this:

From the Rec 1 Field 1 screen, Press the ‘M2’ button once to bring you to System Menu, press 3,2,1,1 in that order to bring up the BAUD rate settings and it should be set to the default of 115200. It needs to be changed to 9600.

Press the left arrow button (next to ‘M1’) 5 times and a BAUD rate of 9600 should be displayed, press 1 of the 2 ‘E’ (enter) buttons once, press ‘M1’ 5 times to get back to the home screen and place the scanner on the cradle.

Open ScanCARE on the computer, open the setup switchboard, click program, select the desired program from the drop-down menu, click on Program, after it finishes programming the scanner click OK.